
Training Classes that are More Than You Might Think!

BR&E Training Courses go above and beyond what you might expect. These courses are taught by chemical engineers familiar with both the processes and the software in an interactive, lively environment. Follow-the-leader is not something you should expect. Instead, various process aspects will be discussed and problems will be posed and solved by implementation in ProMax. The attendees are taught to think and use the software to tackle engineering problems or understand complex processes. Attendees walk away with useful skills in process engineering and simulation to apply to their own work!

No Charge for Attendance!

Part of our dedication to providing the highest level of support to our customers is to ensure that each and every customer can receive the greatest benefit from ProMax. To do this, we provide FREE training classes all over the world with absolutely no cost to attend. Copies of ProMax and security devices will be provided! Also, you do not have to be a client to attend a course!

We Come to You

BR&E schedules over 100 training courses each year, and we hold these courses all over the world. Take a look at our course schedule for the upcoming courses that are near you! Don’t see a class that is near you? Request one or consider being a host! The majority of our classes are held at our clients’ facilities around the world and are open to attendance by all companies except for a few that are intra-company only. Thus, access and travel to the courses is easy for any given area keeping costs to our clients at a minimum.

100 Level Training Courses

The 100 Level Training Courses are geared to engineers new to the software, the industry, or the processes. The basics of process engineering are taught, along with their implementation in ProMax. The objectives of these courses are for the attendees to understand how these tools can be used to solve engineering problems in their daily work as well as the overall capability within ProMax for use in solving the problems.

Topics included in the 100 Level Courses:

200 Level Training Courses

The objective of the 200 Level Courses is not just to learn ProMax but to understand the processes themselves. These courses dive into the details and fundamentals of various processes with solid examples of why plants are designed and operated the way that they are, and how the users can apply ProMax for improvements and optimization. Attendees are expected to know the basics of using ProMax prior to arrival as the bulk of the time is spent on the processes along with their implementation in the simulator. These courses are great for engineers wanting to gain more in depth knowledge of specific processes or topics, or for those new to a particular field.

Topics included in the 200 Level Courses: