

PTQ Magazine call for articles

For 27 years, PTQ’s independent editorial policy and reputation within the industry have allowed us to provide the most relevant content, highlighting the latest developments in the global refining, gas and petrochemical processing industries.

These articles provide refiners with the in-depth information they need on the processes, products and services necessary to design, build, operate and maintain their plants more efficiently, as well as increase their margins.

Together with Technology in Action’s concise articles and Q&A, this makes PTQ an established and popular forum for conversation between technology providers and our worldwide readership of decision makers in the downstream oil and gas industry.

You can view PTQ's Media Details HERE, which includes the 2024 Editorial Calendar, highlighting the subject areas we’ll be covering in each issue of PTQ, as well as our Catalysis, Gas and Revamps supplements.

As usual, we are seeking contributions that describe practical applications of established technology in the form of case studies, along with details of new developments in the world of refining, gas and petrochemical processing technology.

In the first instance, please send your editorial suggestions to Rene Gonzalez editor@petroleumtechnology.com


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