

Linde Engineering North America building ammonia plant for J.R. Simplot

Linde Engineering North America (LENA) is building an ammonia plant for J.R. Simplot Company adjacent to Simplot's existing phosphate fertilizer complex in Rock Springs, WY. The 600 tons per day plant will supply both the Rock Springs and Pocatello, ID phosphate fertilizer production locations while providing the capacity to meet Simplot's next phase of anticipated phosphate expansion plans at Rock Springs. The new plant will take approximately two years to complete.

This will be Linde's third ammonia project in the last two years, based upon their unique, proprietary process. "This is Linde's first North American implementation of our ammonia process, and we are pleased to work with Simplot to bring their global vision to fruition here in the United States", said Ken Lamb, Director of Linde Engineering's Hydrogen & Syngas Business Unit for North America.

According to Steve Bertone, Acting Managing Director of LENA, "The availability of an abundant supply of low-cost natural gas feed stocks in North America has revitalized the U.S. ammonia and nitrogen fertilizer industry, and Linde Engineering has the expertise to provide the right solutions for our clients, from engineering through construction.”

"Output from the new ammonia plant will significantly enhance our long term sustainability in the phosphate marketplace," stated Bill Whitacre, President and CEO of the J.R. Simplot Company. "This capital investment is a big step for us; one that is key to our future in ensuring long-term, low cost raw materials to our facilities."

For more information, please visit: www.linde-engineering.com

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