
Number: 131


  • Q4 2024

    Q4 2024


    Understanding the peculiarities of the refining business ... ptq&a ... Digitalisation solution for monitoring and improving performance ... Separation technology addresses challenges in emerging technologies ... Proactive management reduces crude preheat fouling risks ... Selection of ULSD dryers: Key technical considerations ... Handling complex hydrocarbon molecules ... APC advances FCC unit performance at Pemex Deer Park refinery ... Understanding the decomposition of TBPS for efficient catalyst sulphiding ... Evaluating tray efficiency impacts on column design ... Unlocking ROI from low-carbon fuel investments ... Desalter optimisation strategies: Part I ... Corrosion monitoring techniques and benefits of newer methods ... Enabling high iron feed processing in the FCC with in-situ catalyst technology ... Pursue sustainability and improve catalyst performance with magnesium ethoxide when producing polyolefins ... Specifying waste water treatment unit biomass separation pilot test equipment.

  • Revamps 2024

    Revamps 2024


    Retrofitting vane pack separator for improved column performance ... Improving preventive maintenance using equipment criticality ... Diagnosing a premature flood in an atmospheric crude tower ... Optimising cartridge tray installation ... Vacuum heater operational cycle improvement study ... From waste to clean energy: The acid path to reducing CO₂ emissions.

  • Refining India Newspaper

    Refining India Newspaper


    Strategies for cost-effective decarbonisation: Future-proofing Indian refineries ... Studies on methanol dehydration over beta zeolite catalyst ... Integrated web platform for accurate GHG emissions mapping ... Fueling success: SAF route to aviation sustainability ... Circular polymer through chemical recycling of waste plastics ... Enhanced reliability monitoring of SMRs using advanced data analytics ... Formic acid production using heterogenised iridium catalyst through the ICCC process ... Mastering mega-scale refinery and petrochemical projects ... Maximising MS production from the isomerisation unit within VLI constraints ... Advancing carbon capture for mass deployment across industries ... Enhancing refinery sustainability with EmulsionSENS in desalter operations ... Hybrid (fresh and regenerated) catalyst loading reduces fill cost and carbon footprint ... Novel approach for assessing integrity of FCC unit cold wall riser with finite element analysis ... How to increase compressor reliability: Combine digital maintenance and AI-based monitoring ... Role of spiral heat exchangers in refineries ... Additised solvent closed-loop cleaning package ... Key actions for precious metal catalysts ... Scope 1 and 2 decarbonisation roadmap for an oil refinery ... Earthquake Warning System ... MellapakEvo and the evolution of structured packing.

  • LARTC Newspaper

    LARTC Newspaper


    Desafíos y oportunidades influyen en la expansión de las refinerías en América Latina ... Maximización del rendimiento de propileno con bajo contenido de  carbono ... Impulsando el éxito: La ruta SAF hacia la sostenibilidad de la aviación ... ¿Estás preparado para lo que viene? ... Catalizadores avanzados y suimpacto en LATAM … Descarbonización de la industria procesadora de hidrocarburos en América Latina ... E-fuels: La clave para descarbonizar refinerías y petroquímicas … LARTC Los Premios de Excelencia: Las Finalistas ... Acciones clave para los catalizadores de metales preciosos ... MellapakEvo y la evolución del empaque estructurado ... eREACT: Liderando el futuro de los reactores eléctricos … Solución 2ACT: Manteniendo altas eficiencias de recuperación en la SRU ... Los cambios en el mercado exigen que las refinerías operen más eficientemente.

  • Q3 2024

    Q3 2024


    Keeping refineries profitable ... ptq&a ... Hydrogen recovery from ROG Part 2: membrane separation and compression ... Navigating corrosion challenges in column overhead systems ... Ultra-low entrainment spray nozzles for use in packing wash applications ... Hybrid model of gasoline blend ... Co-processing renewable feeds in hydrodesulphurisation units: Part 2 ... Transforming packed column efficiency ... Controlling FCC SOx emissions with SOx reduction additive technology ... Sour gas and liquid treatments: Sulphur recovery and removal ... Data-driven approach to steam-to-carbon ratio optimisation for the HGU ... Carbon cost driving refineries to rethink fired heater specifications ... Deactivation of FCC catalysts ... Blue hydrogen a low-carbon energy carrier: Part 2 ... Pyrolysis: Defossilation of the chemical industry with plastic waste – a case for collaboration ... Vessel internals enhance worker safety during plant turnarounds ... Radiometric principles in monitoring refining and petrochemical operations.

  • Q2 2024

    Q2 2024


    Keeping refineries profitable ... ptq&a ... Optimising furnace run length in a steam cracker using AI ... Dryout design considerations for cryogenic gas plants: Part 2 ... FCC co-processing of biogenic and recyclable feedstocks: Part 2 ... Revamping a conventional naphtha splitter to a dividing wall column ... A refinery’s strategic journey towards sustainability ... SAF production via co-processing in the kerosene hydrotreater ... Flexible downscaling of MAPD removal from C3/C4 olefin streams ... Sulphur reduction, sulphur removal, and spent caustic reuse ... Optimising compressor dry gas seal line design in FEED stage ... Integrating refining/petrochemicals for increased chemicals production ... Blue hydrogen – a low-carbon energy carrier: Part 1 ... Effect of redundancy/voting in SIL calculation ... Co-processing renewable feeds in hydrodesulphurisation units ... Emerging LOHC technology ... Innovative vessel internals for enhanced safety when changing media beds.

  • Gas 2024 Issue

    Gas 2024 Issue


    LNG accelerating the low-carbon energy transition … Dryout design considerations for cryogenic gas plants: Part 1 … Optimise sulphur recovery plant emissions during unit upset conditions … ‘On the fly’ vs high-performance H₂S selective solvent … Steam methane reformer tube lifecycle improvement best practices … Testing and effects of pipeline chemicals on gas processing facilities … Hydrogen recovery from refinery off-gas – Part 1: An overview.

  • Catalysis 2024

    Catalysis 2024


    Resiliency of fossil-based feedstocks … Catalysis Q&A ... Incorporating new technology and tools for catalyst development … FCC co-processing of biogenic and recyclable feedstocks: Part I … Passivating vanadium in FCC operations … Hybrid catalyst loading reduces fill cost and carbon footprint … Catalyst rejuvenation offers circular solution for hydroprocessing catalysts … Catalyst technology for maximum light olefins and ultra-low emissions … Experimental study on diesel fuel haziness … Troubleshooting low or high regenerator temperatures … Zeopore is making its mark in green applications through zeolite modification.