Berthold Technologies
Calmbacher Strasse 22
75323 Bad Wildbad
Tel : +49 7081 177 157
Fax : +49 7081 177-100

Berthold Technologies
Calmbacher Strasse 22
75323 Bad Wildbad
Tel : +49 7081 177 157
Fax : +49 7081 177-100
Leading Measurement Solutions in Refineries from Berthold Technologies. Berthold Technologies radiometric instruments for non-contacting level and density measurement are widely used in the global oil refining industry. Among our customers are well-known companies like Exxon Mobil, Sinopec, Shell, BP, Conoco Phillips, Lukoil, Total - just to name a few.
With our measuring solutions based on gamma absorption we help our customers to reliably control their processes and thus ensuring a safe operation and maximizing efficiency and profit. Berthold is renowned for cutting-edge technology and high-class products. We provide a wide range of standard solutions to the industry and in addition we develop in close cooperation with customers and licensors tailored systems for new processes and measuring tasks.
To make critical applications more reliable we provide interface, level and density measurements for:
- Oil/emulsions/water in desalters
- Distillation bottoms
- Delayed coking units
- Solvent deasphalting units
- Alkylation units
- Resid hydrocracking
- Fluidized catalytic cracking units (FCC)
- Continuous catalytic reforming processes (CCR)
Committed to technological leadership
The high-sensitive detectors achieve a better measuring effect and can work with remarkably low source activities. Depending on the application the source activity can be reduced by up to 80%.
Unique features such as X-ray interference protection during weld inspections (XIP and RID), our patented temperature and aging compensation and SIL2/SIL3 certified detectors lead to superior measurement performance and high reliability, which remains stable and unfailing throughout the whole time of operation. Check Berthold’s Knowledgebase to learn more about these features.
Our non-intrusive measurement systems offer a number of advantages:
- Outside mounting of components
- Not exposed to the harsh process conditions
- Free of wear and maintenance
- Smooth handling and operation
- Lowest cost of ownership
- Easy to install on existing pipes or tanks without modifications
- Perfect for all high temperature, high pressure applications
- Worldwide sales and service support
Berthold at a glance
We have been safely using radiometric measurement principles for more than 75 years. With our proven technology and years of experience working in the refinery industry, we can develop a solution that is right for you and your process. Berthold Technologies is here to help assist refiners to safely and reliably control the most difficult measurement applications so they can maximize their margins by increased rates through the units, increased the unit operational reliability by reducing unplanned shutdowns and reduced maintenance cost.