When excess air becomes too much
Excessive use of excess air impacts operating costs through fuel efficiency, furnace reliability, and stack emissions
The design temperature of flare systems
A key objective when setting flare system design conditions is to maintain the integrity of the system during fire relief
Ambient conditions impact CO and NOx emissions: part II
Effects of air temperature and humidity on burner NOx emissions are discussed, including considerations for factoring in these effects
Tube rupture in a natural gas heater
Dynamic simulation supports the use of a pressure safety valve over a rupture disk in the event of a tube rupture
Ambient conditions impact CO and NOx emissions: part I
Changing ambient conditions can impact CO and NOx emissions without proper process adjustments. A wide range of operating conditions show how these emissions ...
Dynamics of operation for flare systems
Detailed studies of problems with flaring performance led a refinery to define and implement a scheme for optimum flare performance
The hazards of fired heater flooding
Heater flooding is a serious and potentially dangerous condition which must be dealt with properly and quickly.
Practical flare gas recovery for minimising flaring
Flares play a critical role as a safety device in refineries, and in most oil and gas producing or processing facilities.
Role of fired heater safety systems
A fully automated burner management system operating as a SIS for burner control can meet minimum safety targets, improve system availability and lower ...
Improving heat transfer in reboilers and condensers
Guidelines and experience on how to deal with a loss of condensing or reboiling capacity
Carbon dioxide emissions from fired heaters
Fired heaters emit an estimated 400 to 500 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) every year. At least 73% of average refinery CO2 emissions come from c ...
Optimising safety relief and flare systems
Understanding the behaviour of refinery units by dynamic modelling of emergencies enables the prediction of realistic relief loads
When natural gas was to be added to a refinery’s fuel gas system, detailed dynamic simulation of the new system ensured stable operation and a shorter ...
Environmental monitoring and management in the downstream oil and gas sector
Keeping it clean, keeping it green. Ground water, rain water run-off and effluent. Contaminated soil replacement in spillage areas, excavated soil disposal ...
Ethylene furnace heat flux correlations
Equations are presented that correlate and predict heat flux as a function of operating, burner and furnace parameters for all major ethylene-cracking ...
Diagnostic tools and control parameters for refinery heaters
To optimise or manage furnace operation more effectively and safely, engineers and operators need to understand and control the entire process
Burner-to-burner interaction can increase NOx emissions and cause flame impingement on process tubes
Optimal tonnage industrial gas plants
Detailed examination of industrial gas needs is required to develop the most cost-effective industrial gas plant configuration
Flame interaction and rollover solutions in ethylene cracking furnaces
During plant expansion or construction of new facilities for olefins plant, it is important to keep in mind the interactions of flame, fuel and lower ...
SO2 emission control for resid combustion
Regenerable and non-regenerable SO2 scrubbing systems for high-sulphur residuum combustion are compared
Retrofitting crude furnace burners
A burner retrofit has delivered more robust operation with reduced NOx emissions from a crude process furnace
Reliability is a buzz word used a lot these days. You hear it a lot and it means different things to different people based on their job description.
Advanced combustion system for cracking furnaces
A discussion of design considerations for burner technology used in cracking furnaces. Significant improvements include more uniform heat flux profile, ...
A step-by-step approach to managing emissions
A comprehensive review of combustion systems and controls underpins a strategy for emissions reduction
Engineering a better flaring solution in the Middle East
It is not uncommon for new operational regulations and initiatives to present a serious challenge to the preferred practices of the hydrocarbon indust ...
Environmental monitoring and management in the downstream oil and gas sector
Keeping it clean, keeping it green. Ground water, rain water run-off and effluent. Contaminated soil replacement in spillage areas, excavated soil disposal ...
Using infrared monitors to achieve auxiliary flare pilot monitoring (TIA)
Infrared flare pilot monitoring as a primary or secondary monitoring solution provides a pilot status signal when thermocouple failures occur and assures ...
Fired heaters, also called furnaces, use the heat from combustion of hydrocarbons to increase the temperature of a fluid. Direct-fired heaters are common ...
Tube rupture in a natural gas heater
Dynamic simulation supports the use of a pressure safety valve over a rupture disk in the event of a tube rupture
Carbon dioxide emissions from fired heaters
Fired heaters emit an estimated 400 to 500 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) every year. At least 73% of average refinery CO2 emissions come from c ...
The hazards of fired heater flooding
Heater flooding is a serious and potentially dangerous condition which must be dealt with properly and quickly.
Use of CFD modelling to improve burner design and operation
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling can be used as an efficient and low-cost alternative to improve the design and operation of a new burner.
Retrofitting the thermal stage of a SRU unit (TiA)
The original burner at a site was a multi-flame burner with low pressure drop on the Claus gas side.
Convection section retrofit (TiA)
XRG recently retrofitted a convection section in a crude heater that was originally built in 1935. The new convection bank consists of two sections; the ...
Safer and efficient combustion for fired heaters and boilers
A technological approach to achieving efficiency improvements, CO2 emissions reduction, and parallel effects in NOx emissions control in a crude oil-fired ...
Run length improvement and emissions reduction in delayed coker heaters
For many refineries, the delayed coker unit is a vital component of refinery profitability. The tubes used in delayed coker units foul and must be decoked ...
When excess air becomes too much
Excessive use of excess air impacts operating costs through fuel efficiency, furnace reliability, and stack emissions
Estimating natural gas demand at a petrochemical complex
A robust model has been developed to predict a plant’s natural gas demand, accounting for fluctuating capacities and anticipated fuel gas and steam ...
Role of fired heater safety systems
A fully automated burner management system operating as a SIS for burner control can meet minimum safety targets, improve system availability and lower ...
Improved distribution of spent catalyst
Application of a newly designed spent catalyst distributor improves spent catalyst distribution, coke combustion and bed temperatures in the FCC.
Ambient conditions impact CO and NOx emissions: part II
Effects of air temperature and humidity on burner NOx emissions are discussed, including considerations for factoring in these effects
Improving heat transfer in reboilers and condensers
Guidelines and experience on how to deal with a loss of condensing or reboiling capacity
Refractory detection system and floating roof protection
New refractory detection system monitors skin temperatures in Claus or thermal oxidisers as well as SMRs, gasifiers, and emissions from floating roof ...
Retrofitting crude furnace burners
A burner retrofit has delivered more robust operation with reduced NOx emissions from a crude process furnace
System analysis of process burners
Modelling is now a vital tool in the designing of ultra-low NOx burners, together with advanced problem-solving techniques such as computational fluid ...
Advanced combustion system for cracking furnaces
A discussion of design considerations for burner technology used in cracking furnaces. Significant improvements include more uniform heat flux profile, ...
Engineering a better flaring solution in the Middle East
It is not uncommon for new operational regulations and initiatives to present a serious challenge to the preferred practices of the hydrocarbon indust ...
Practical flare gas recovery for minimising flaring
Flares play a critical role as a safety device in refineries, and in most oil and gas producing or processing facilities.
The design temperature of flare systems
A key objective when setting flare system design conditions is to maintain the integrity of the system during fire relief
Optimising safety relief and flare systems
Understanding the behaviour of refinery units by dynamic modelling of emergencies enables the prediction of realistic relief loads
Refractory detection system and floating roof protection
New refractory detection system monitors skin temperatures in Claus or thermal oxidisers as well as SMRs, gasifiers, and emissions from floating roof ...
An economically attractive carbon capture solution for FCC
Reducing the cost of FCC carbon capture along with increasing FCC throughput and facilitating wider range feedstock processing.
Estimating natural gas demand at a petrochemical complex
A robust model has been developed to predict a plant’s natural gas demand, accounting for fluctuating capacities and anticipated fuel gas and steam ...
Run length improvement and emissions reduction in delayed coker heaters
For many refineries, the delayed coker unit is a vital component of refinery profitability. The tubes used in delayed coker units foul and must be decoked ...
Safer and efficient combustion for fired heaters and boilers
A technological approach to achieving efficiency improvements, CO2 emissions reduction, and parallel effects in NOx emissions control in a crude oil-fired ...
Fired heaters, also called furnaces, use the heat from combustion of hydrocarbons to increase the temperature of a fluid. Direct-fired heaters are common ...
Convection section retrofit (TiA)
XRG recently retrofitted a convection section in a crude heater that was originally built in 1935. The new convection bank consists of two sections; the ...
Retrofitting the thermal stage of a SRU unit (TiA)
The original burner at a site was a multi-flame burner with low pressure drop on the Claus gas side.
Carbon dioxide emissions from fired heaters
Fired heaters emit an estimated 400 to 500 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) every year. At least 73% of average refinery CO2 emissions come from c ...
Use of CFD modelling to improve burner design and operation
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling can be used as an efficient and low-cost alternative to improve the design and operation of a new burner.
The hazards of fired heater flooding
Heater flooding is a serious and potentially dangerous condition which must be dealt with properly and quickly.
When excess air becomes too much
Excessive use of excess air impacts operating costs through fuel efficiency, furnace reliability, and stack emissions
What do you do with the gas associated with crude oil production if there is no local processing capacity and no gas gathering network to collect and deliver ...
Environmental monitoring and management in the downstream oil and gas sector
Keeping it clean, keeping it green. Ground water, rain water run-off and effluent. Contaminated soil replacement in spillage areas, excavated soil disposal ...
Improved distribution of spent catalyst
Application of a newly designed spent catalyst distributor improves spent catalyst distribution, coke combustion and bed temperatures in the FCC.
Installation of a new flue gas tunnel design concept and resulting operation
Conventional tunnels incorporate physical features that constrain design efficacy resulting in non-uniform flue gas flow both along the length of the tunnels ...
Burner retrofit increases capacity and cuts costs
Replacement burners in a hydrogen reactor feed heater saved the cost of retrofit within a week.
Using infrared monitors to achieve auxiliary flare pilot monitoring (TIA)
Infrared flare pilot monitoring as a primary or secondary monitoring solution provides a pilot status signal when thermocouple failures occur and assures ...
Retrofitting crude furnace burners
A burner retrofit has delivered more robust operation with reduced NOx emissions from a crude process furnace
The design temperature of flare systems
A key objective when setting flare system design conditions is to maintain the integrity of the system during fire relief
Identifying contributors to flaring
Applying an integrated flare and fuel gas monitoring system to identify and eliminate major contributors to refinery flaring.
Improving heat transfer in reboilers and condensers
Guidelines and experience on how to deal with a loss of condensing or reboiling capacity
Tube rupture in a natural gas heater
Dynamic simulation supports the use of a pressure safety valve over a rupture disk in the event of a tube rupture
Practical flare gas recovery for minimising flaring
Flares play a critical role as a safety device in refineries, and in most oil and gas producing or processing facilities.
When natural gas was to be added to a refinery’s fuel gas system, detailed dynamic simulation of the new system ensured stable operation and a shorter ...