

  • Pitting corrosion found at bottom/shell side charcoal filter at (lean amine filtration system) Lean amine = MDEA 30% demi water used for preparation and makeup (Diss O2 present) feed gas CO2 4%, H2S 0.0 HSAS 0.18%, cl 300 ppm at lean amine sample. What do you think are the factors responsible for corrosion?



  • Paul Fearnside, Nalco Champion, pfearnside@ecolab.com

    What's the Bicine content of the circulating amine? Should be <0.4 wt%


  • Doug Morgan, Searles Valley Minerals, morgan@svminerals.com

    Galvanic corrosion of metals connected to carbon fber reinforced polymers. See - https://www.corrosionpedia.com/galvanic-corrosion-of-metals-connected-to-carbon-fiber-reinforced-polymers/2/1556



  • Antonius Dikmans, MPR Services, TOINE.DIKMANS@MPRSERVICES.COM

    Salem, its hard to say if it played the role by itself, its always a combination of factors. We normally recommend Cl levels below 50 ppm.



  • Salem Ghoul, Mellitah O&G Co, smghoul@gmail.com

    Antonius, could you please tell me what is the limit of cl concentration at lean amine with Carbon steel? What about O2 role? Degradation only or participate in corrosion, 6 ppm at Demi water?

    Did the amine chloride play the main role in this case?



  • Antonius Dikmans, MPR Services, TOINE.DIKMANS@MPRSERVICES.COM

    This looks like a typical case of CO2 only system corrosion and temp and pressure are the main influencers for corrosion where pitted corrosion is often seen. On the lean side you will have an iron carbonate passivation layer that is very pourish and will be attacked by HSS and will leave pitted corrosion. Your Chloride is high enough to cause this.

