Energy savings from electric capacity control
Updated stepless capacity control of reciprocating compressors saved energy and improved process stability at a petrochemicals site.
Monitoring and diagnostics for reciprocating compressors
A guide to the purpose and terminology of monitoring systems that ensure effective operation of reciprocating compressors
Early failure detection and shutdown of critical compressor due to a crosshead fracture
Over the last few years it has become more and more apparent that operators of piston compressors use specific monitoring systems particular for their ...
Rapid analysis of wear metals in used oils by automated ICP-OES
Condition monitoring is essential to the efficient operation of large plant and machinery, and is the use of physical and chemical techniques to check ...
Contamination in gas compression: causes, effects, and solutions
Identifying and quantifying contaminants including solids, dissolved species, and liquids is essential in the design of a more reliable compression sy ...
Improving turbocompressor availability
Modular replacement maintenance can reduce major overhaul downtime by nearly 50%, and time between combustion and major overhauls can also be extended
Integrated plant control and monitoring
Turbomachinery controls (TMC) such as antisurge and load-sharing controls, as well as its solution hardware platforms, have been evolving through faster ...
Combating the threat of mercury
Emerging legally binding action on mercury emissions highlights the importance of monitoring and quantifying emissions from gas operations
Modular compressor package for hydrotreating (TIA)
Fast changes in spot market prices for both crude oil and products have forced refiners to plan investments for higher operational flexibility.
21st century reciprocating compressors for downstream applications
Technology, like time, marches on. Think about the advancements in technology that have taken place in the last 50 years. Advancements have taken us from ...
Control and safety systems for turbomachinery
All plant workers want to reduce the safety risk associated with turbomachinery operation while avoiding nuisance trips.
Advanced turbomachinery controls improve ethylene plant yield
Advanced integrated turbomachinery controls can significantly alleviate the suction pressure dip of a cracked gas compressor, leading to considerable yield ...
Recips need dedicated vibration monitoring systems
Avoiding ‘crater maintenance’ and the ‘doom loop’ Reciprocating compressors have a reputation as bad actors among the rotating equipment fleet; ...
Bridging the gap between safety protection and condition monitoring
In the process industry it is still common that users strictly separate safety protection equipment from condition monitoring. Machine operators frequently ...
Optimising turbomachinery energy savings with control technologies
Virtually every plant manager who works in a hydrocarbon processing, power-generation or other industrial facility can relate to the need to optimise energy ...
Flow (dP) transmitter speed of response to meet API 670 5th edition requirements.
Condition Monitoring - the analysis of used oil
The elemental analysis of used lubricating oil has become an essential part of “condition monitoring”, the use of physical and chemical techniques ...
Automatic diagnosis of critical rotating equipment: techniques and challenges
The past 20 years have seen continuous progress in the technological means available for monitoring the condition of Rotating Equipment.
Optimising the health of rotating equipment
Applying predictive analytics to rotating equipment enables a preventative maintenance programme for improved savings
Avoiding compressor system downtime
Developments in anti-surge technology make it possible to maximise process efficiency and optimise compressor function
Piston design method makes recips
more reliable Gas leaking past piston rings and rider bands is a significant problem for many reciprocating compressors.
A straightforward guide to monitoring & diagnostics of reciprocating compressors
Experts worldwide agree — the only way to ensure safe, reliable, efficient, economical operation of reciprocating compressors is to monitor them continuously ...
Continuously improving machinery performance (TIA)
Through regular inspection and selective or continuous monitoring, traditional maintenance measures are intended to uncover damaged valves or signs of ...
Cost-effective condition monitoring
The elemental analysis of used lubricating oil has become an essential part of “condition monitoring”, the use of physical and chemical techniques ...
Improving turbocompressor availability
Modular replacement maintenance can reduce major overhaul downtime by nearly 50%, and time between combustion and major overhauls can also be extended
Piston design method makes recips
more reliable Gas leaking past piston rings and rider bands is a significant problem for many reciprocating compressors.
What does SIL and functional safety mean to operators of rotating equipment?
SIL - standing for Safety Integrity Level, is one very important safety indicator. Extensively discussed, described and often misunderstood within the ...
Digital transformation of component repair boosts compressor uptime
Valves, packing, and other replaceable components have a key influence on the performance and reliability of reciprocating compressors.
Optimising compressor dry gas seal line design in FEED stage
A proactive approach to engineering excellence is presented by a strategic initiative to enhance the design of compressor dry gas seal lines within FEED ...
Computational fluid dynamics was used to analyse the performance of side entry mixers in large crude tanks
Revamp of a reciprocating compressor unit
A step-by-step guide to the revamp of a reciprocating compressor unit to meet increased hydrogen throughput
Reciprocating compressors in a hydrogen plant
A hydrogen producer chose moderate speed reciprocating compressors for its natural gas feed and hydrogen product services.
Optimising the health of rotating equipment
Applying predictive analytics to rotating equipment enables a preventative maintenance programme for improved savings
Parallel expander-recompressor controls and piping layouts
Turboexpanders are key pieces of process equipment for the recovery of high-value condensates from natural gasses in modern NGL plants.
Early failure detection and shutdown of critical compressor due to a crosshead fracture
Over the last few years it has become more and more apparent that operators of piston compressors use specific monitoring systems particular for their ...
Protecting compressors with dynamic simulation
Dynamic simulation supports reliable operation of compressor installations to deliver maximum plant availability and productivity
Bridging the gap between safety protection and condition monitoring
In the process industry it is still common that users strictly separate safety protection equipment from condition monitoring. Machine operators frequently ...
Monitoring and diagnostics for reciprocating compressors
A guide to the purpose and terminology of monitoring systems that ensure effective operation of reciprocating compressors
Condition Monitoring - the analysis of used oil
The elemental analysis of used lubricating oil has become an essential part of “condition monitoring”, the use of physical and chemical techniques ...
Revamping centrifugal compressors at an ethylene plant
Technical improvements and increased throughput justify the revamp of a Russian ethylene plant’s compressors
Cost-effective condition monitoring
The elemental analysis of used lubricating oil has become an essential part of “condition monitoring”, the use of physical and chemical techniques ...
Avoiding compressor system downtime
Developments in anti-surge technology make it possible to maximise process efficiency and optimise compressor function
Integrated plant control and monitoring
Turbomachinery controls (TMC) such as antisurge and load-sharing controls, as well as its solution hardware platforms, have been evolving through faster ...
Flow (dP) transmitter speed of response to meet API 670 5th edition requirements.
Safety system separation - examination of three types of machinery protection systems
overspeed, surge detection and vibration monitoring, to help clarify when a SIL certification is truly necessary. Authors explain how companies can protect ...
Market for short stroke moderate speed reciprocating compressors in downstream process gas compression
Important considerations when using crosshead acceleration and frame velocity to monitor and protect a reciprocating compressor
Improving a compressor protection regime
Analysis of the build-up to the fracture of a compressor crosshead led a refiner to revise its approach to performance monitoring
Integrated plant control and monitoring
Turbomachinery controls (TMC) such as antisurge and load-sharing controls, as well as its solution hardware platforms, have been evolving through faster ...
Using a commercial process historian for full-featured machinery condition monitoring
Can a commercial process historian be used to replace stand-alone condition monitoring software — including acquisition and display of high-speed vibration ...
Modular compressor package for hydrotreating (TIA)
Fast changes in spot market prices for both crude oil and products have forced refiners to plan investments for higher operational flexibility.
Enabling the refinery of the future — safety first
The recent downturn in oil prices has reduced feedstock purchasing costs for the hydrocarbon processing industry (HPI). As a result, refineries are running ...
Advanced turbomachinery controls improve ethylene plant yield
Advanced integrated turbomachinery controls can significantly alleviate the suction pressure dip of a cracked gas compressor, leading to considerable yield ...
Automatic diagnosis of critical rotating equipment: techniques and challenges
The past 20 years have seen continuous progress in the technological means available for monitoring the condition of Rotating Equipment.
Optimising turbomachinery energy savings with control technologies
Virtually every plant manager who works in a hydrocarbon processing, power-generation or other industrial facility can relate to the need to optimise energy ...
Energy savings from electric capacity control
Updated stepless capacity control of reciprocating compressors saved energy and improved process stability at a petrochemicals site.
Revamp of a reciprocating compressor unit
A step-by-step guide to the revamp of a reciprocating compressor unit to meet increased hydrogen throughput
Computational fluid dynamics was used to analyse the performance of side entry mixers in large crude tanks
Parallel expander-recompressor controls and piping layouts
Turboexpanders are key pieces of process equipment for the recovery of high-value condensates from natural gasses in modern NGL plants.
How to maximise the life cycle of control systems used in turbomachinery
Continuously improving machinery performance (TIA)
Through regular inspection and selective or continuous monitoring, traditional maintenance measures are intended to uncover damaged valves or signs of ...
Stop gas leaks from compressor packings
A new piston rod sealing technology based on a pressurised oil barrier can eliminate a significant source of gas leaks from reciprocating compressors.
Breaking down control barriers
Many processes and reliability engineers believe that process control & optimisation and asset condition monitoring live in two separate worlds.
Sharing the load: proper control methods for parallel refrigeration compressors
Parallel refrigeration machines have been in use for decades in the LNG industry primarily for the Phillips Cascade LNG process which utilises parallel ...
Control and safety systems for turbomachinery
All plant workers want to reduce the safety risk associated with turbomachinery operation while avoiding nuisance trips.
Is your radial turbomachinery operating at optimum?
Bryan Research and Engineering, Inc. (BRE) has developed an online, equipment performance monitoring application for radial turbo-machinery in cryogenic ...
Optimise control systems with preventive maintenance
Ensuring equipment integrity by conducting thorough maintenance provides multiple benefits for your operation, from maximising machine uptime and minimising ...
What does SIL and functional safety mean to operators of rotating equipment?
SIL - standing for Safety Integrity Level, is one very important safety indicator. Extensively discussed, described and often misunderstood within the ...
Compressor review leads upgrade
A thorough performance review of 40 reciprocating compressors at the Mina Al-Ahmadi refinery in Kuwait will form the basis for future upgrades to improve ...
Avoiding compressor system downtime
Developments in anti-surge technology make it possible to maximise process efficiency and optimise compressor function
Improving a compressor protection regime
Analysis of the build-up to the fracture of a compressor crosshead led a refiner to revise its approach to performance monitoring
A straightforward guide to monitoring & diagnostics of reciprocating compressors
Experts worldwide agree — the only way to ensure safe, reliable, efficient, economical operation of reciprocating compressors is to monitor them continuously ...