Understanding centrifugal compressor performance
In a connected process system, expensive changes to the compressor and driver can be avoided with system debottlenecking modifications
Centrifugal compressor operations
The wet gas compressor is used as an example in this article reviewing compressor performance, operating conditions and basic control philosophy
Improving the distillation energy network
Energy-efficient design applied to the refit of a distillation unit was achieved through optimisation between the distillation column and heat network ...
Crude overhead system design considerations
Proper crude unit overhead system design is important when building a new unit or revamping an existing one to process different crudes
Options for CO2 capture from SMR
As CO2 capture from steam methane reforming becomes increasingly important, the economics of retrofit for recovery from process gas streams need to be ...
Cost estimating for turnarounds
Cost estimates for refinery turnarounds can lack accuracy, but lessons learned from capital project estimating could improve matters
Enhancing heat transfer in Texas Towers
Retrofit technology enhances heat recovery in feed-effluent exchangers, increases throughput, reduces furnace load and provides cost benefits
Fundamental design considerations influencing diesel and vacuum gas oil (VGO) recovery when revamping existing or designing grassroots crude units. By ...
Safe removal of polymeric deposits
Damaging polymeric fouling of internals can be cleaned in situ by safe chemical treatments. Butadiene polymer formation is not an unusual problem in butadiene ...
Managing vanadium from high metals crude oils
Improvements in process and equipment design with regard to crude unit and delayed coker distillation column performance can reduce metals content
Why vacuum unit fired heaters coke
A description of the internal workings of vacuum heaters and the causes of coke formation within them
An atmospheric crude tower revamp
Overall gas oil yield was maintained with heavier crudes due to a crude tower revamp. The revamp allowed for a crude heater outlet temperature reducti ...
Applying relief load calculation methods
Case study compares dynamic simulation vs conventional unbalanced heat method for relief load calculations in a naphtha hydrotreater, focusing on the strengths ...
Entrainment issues in vacuum column flash zones
For a vacuum tower to operate effectively, the flash zone and the wash section must work together to provide the best possible feed quality to the sections ...
FCC fundamentals: turnaround best practices
Basic procedures and activities are presented for the unit engineer and other support personnel, designed to ensure a successful and safe FCC turnaro ...
Main fractionator water wash systems
When properly designed and operated, main fractionator wash water systems can remove salt with little upset
Reactor effluent air cooler safety through design
Quality-controlled replacement of carbon steel with Duplex 2205 for revamps can increase the service life and reliability of the REAC in the high-pressure ...
FCC gas concentration unit stripper revamp
Unit charge rate and reactor conversion were increased by the elimination of stripper column flooding. Chemical-grade propylene specifications were me ...
Without the efforts of professional craft planners and logistics professionals, turnarounds will be a serious challenge
Cost-effective exchanger network solutions need to rely on more than just pinch technology if they are to be successful
Using pinch technology in operations?
Pinch Technology is a well established concept, and a tool used to optimise waste heat recovery and design efficient heat integration schemes in a wide ...
Installation of vortex tube clusters in crude unit preflash drums has eliminated foam carry-over, increasing diesel and atmospheric gasoil product yie ...
Case studies show how accurate field-measured differential pressure can be interpreted incorrectly when troubleshooting refinery vacuum columns
Bulk separation of gas-liquid mixtures
Effective gas-liquid separation is increasingly important to produce high-quality products from feedstocks of decreasing quality
Stepwise simulation of vacuum transfer line hydraulics
A stepwise hydraulic calculation determines the pressure profile of a vacuum transfer line by linking the hydraulic model to process simulation result ...
Maintenance and reliability for rotating equipment closing the loop
Maintenance of rotating equipment is a vast subject that could fill volumes.
Slug catcher debottleneck protects downstream processing (TIA)
Effective separation of oil and gas from different impurities in upstream operations is a matter of paramount importance. All downstream activities and ...
Maximising stripping section performance
The design of a crude unit stripping section affects diesel and gasoil yields, energy usage, and unit reliability.
Revamping crude towers for quality and yield
A successful revamp of distillation towers for increased diesel quality and yield depended on reliable design and accurate assembly
Hydrocracker revamp lifts product flexibility
How an innovative moving bed technology enabled a major refinery to improve residue conversion and crude flexibility.
Improving turnarounds and operations with online cleaning
Case histories illustrate the financial and operational gains achieved by replacing mechanical cleaning with online, closed-loop operations. The conventional ...
Modelling ensures a successful revamp
Pre-turnaround computational modelling built confidence in the benefits of introducing design changes to a FCC regenerator revamp.
Planning a turnaround that fits
A risk based work selection process screens worklist items to ensure they are justified for risk reduction or financial benefit as part of a turnaroun ...
Revamp of a methanol wash column
Installation of high performance trays and internals enabled a successful revamp for a syngas purification process.
Structured catalyst reactor system for steam methane reforming
Results from pilot plant test programme confirm significant advantages and value creation. Steam methane reforming is the predominant and most widely used ...
Improving hydrotreater performance with welded plate heat exchangers
Pressure has never been higher on refiners to improve the efficiency of their energy-intensive processes.
Premature foam-flood in an amine absorber: Part 1
Troubleshooting and hydraulic analysis identified vapour channelling in fixed valve trays as the root cause of premature foam-flooding in a high pressure ...
FCC petrochemicals production at minimum capex
Adapting FCC gas concentration unit design using dividing wall technology delivers high purity petrochemicals at significantly lower capital cost.
Column revamp boosts diesel production
Revamping the internals of a main fractionator column enabled a refinery to increase its diesel throughput.
Delayed coker revamp for a capacity increase
Revamping to a three-drum coker arrangement delivered improved product yields, higher throughput, and greater feedstock flexibility.
Capital priorities in the downstream industry
Margins opportunities in chemicals and biofuels dominate long-term investments.
Debottlenecking product recovery using product pair distillation: Part I
Advantages of using a thermodynamically efficient method to debottleneck existing distillation trains using fewer new columns than traditional methods ...
Stepwise simulation of vacuum transfer line hydraulics
A stepwise hydraulic calculation determines the pressure profile of a vacuum transfer line by linking the hydraulic model to process simulation result ...
Effective preparation for turnarounds
Defining the objectives, planning thoroughly and ensuring operator readiness will increase the likelihood of a successful turnaround.
Using future rows capacity to debottleneck fired heaters
Opportunistic usage of the future row provision can lead to a multitude of benefits, provided the refiner knows what they are looking for during the r ...
Troubleshooting instability in a debutaniser tower
Successful diagnosis and remediation of premature flood in a debutaniser tower demonstrate the value of good diagnosis for solving tower problems econ ...
The keys to successfully revamping a fired heater: how to maximise value
Fired heaters are facing scrutiny because they contribute to the global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). For refineries and ...
An atmospheric crude tower revamp
Overall gas oil yield was maintained with heavier crudes due to a crude tower revamp. The revamp allowed for a crude heater outlet temperature reducti ...
Revamp raises crude flexibility and profits (TIA)
Hyundai Oilbank (HDO) has been operating an atmospheric residue desulphurisation (ARDS) unit, producing feed for the RFCC unit, at its Daesan, South Korea, ...
Five common causes of refractory failure and how to fix them
All process heaters operate at high temperatures and are constructed with process tubes inside a refractory-lined enclosure, which is heated by radiant ...
Retrofitting vane pack separator for improved column performance
Case history of a syngas production unit, which experienced high methanol content in the tail gas of the scrubber when operated at 116% of original design ...
Evaluating tray efficiency impacts on column design
Steps to avoid undersizing or oversizing of columns along with the selection of property packages essential for the model to generate reliable tray traffic ...
MellapakEvo and the evolution of structured packing (RI 2024)
Distillation has been the most prevalent separation technology in the chemical industry.
Role of spiral heat exchangers in refineries (RI 2024)
Nexson is a French company based in Garchizy in the Nièvre region. Aware of environmental issues, the company helps manufacturers optimise their manufacturing ...
Vessel internals enhance worker safety during plant turnarounds (TiA)
Reducing confined space entry when changing media beds using hold-down screen solutions
Maintenance and reliability for rotating equipment closing the loop
Maintenance of rotating equipment is a vast subject that could fill volumes.
Revamping a conventional naphtha splitter to a dividing wall column
Installation of new equipment, performance results, and final commissioning of a DWC and its ability to sharply fractionate three components in one single ...
Eight critical process vessel, tower and column corrosion mitigation projects
Integrated Global Services (IGS) discusses eight global process vessel, column, and tower corrosion mitigation projects. This paper explores innovative ...
Refractory detection system and floating roof protection
New refractory detection system monitors skin temperatures in Claus or thermal oxidisers as well as SMRs, gasifiers, and emissions from floating roof ...
Considerations for crude unit preflash drums and preflash towers
A guide to debottlenecking, revamping, designing, and operating crude unit preflash facilities based on literature and the authors’ experience.
Restoring fired heater furnace heat transfer efficiency
Convection section cleaning of process heaters at an Egyptian facility achieved more than 90% treating of all tube and surface areas. Inefficient heat ...
Balancing act of managing a refinery: New technology vs increasing revenue (ERTC 2023)
Refining management is a constant balancing act between investing in new technology and increasing revenue potential. The trend in European refining is ...
Reduce, reuse, and repurpose: Minor changes for major results (ERTC 2023)
Transformational change within a refinery can be challenging to navigate. New policies that incentivise sustainability also require significant invest ...
Hybrid loading of regenerated and fresh catalyst for a lower carbon footprint (RI 2023)
Catalysts are typically one of the largest controllable costs for a refiner. Reusing properly regenerated catalysts avoids unnecessary spending and complements ...
Enhancing FCC reliability: The impact of cyclone technology developments
How optimising cyclone design and implementing advanced internal hardware enhance operational reliability, illustrated with three real-world examples.
Resolving low slide valve differentials and catalyst circulation problems
Troubleshooting catalyst circulation problems that lead to unscheduled shutdowns and reduced income.
Increasing efficiency of catalytic reformer unit fired heaters
Application of ceramic coating on CRU heater tubing and refractory avoids oxidative scale formation, significantly lowering fuel consumption and CO2 f ...
Advancements in retrofits for existing NGL recovery plants
Better plant performance is achieved using proven retrofit techniques to upgrade a gas subcooled process or older plant with more recent retrofit tech ...
Mitigating hazards ensuring worker safety in refining and petrochemical plants
Safety in refining and petrochemical plants is crucial, as these workers deal with dangerous chemicals. The employees in this industry also handle equipment ...
Structured catalyst reactor system for steam methane reforming
Results from pilot plant test programme confirm significant advantages and value creation. Steam methane reforming is the predominant and most widely used ...
Advanced thermoplastic polymer supports processing of harsh chemicals
The proprietary NeXRing in VICTREX PEEK polymer from Sulzer Chemtech is ideal for supporting the processing of harsh chemicals, thanks to its high temperature ...
Debottlenecking product recovery using product pair distillation: Part II
Advantages of using a thermodynamically efficient method to debottleneck existing distillation trains using fewer columns than traditional methods.
Focused revamp increases diesel and HVGO recovery
Refiners have the best opportunity to maximise return through identification of creative solutions during a focused capital revamp.
Debottlenecking product recovery using product pair distillation: Part I
Advantages of using a thermodynamically efficient method to debottleneck existing distillation trains using fewer new columns than traditional methods ...