Improving the distillation energy network
Energy-efficient design applied to the refit of a distillation unit was achieved through optimisation between the distillation column and heat network ...
Choosing a neutralising amine corrosion inhibitor
A review of physical and chemical properties of commonly used amine-based corrosion inhibitors. The authors highlight the relative strengths and weaknesses ...
Flue gas heat recovery through the acid dew point
Polymer based heat exchange technology enables more heat recovery from flue gas by addressing acid corrosion issues.
Crude overhead system design considerations
Proper crude unit overhead system design is important when building a new unit or revamping an existing one to process different crudes
Operating vacuum distillation ejector systems
Best practices and opportunities to deliver reliable ejector system performance and reduce performance risk.
Fundamental design considerations influencing diesel and vacuum gas oil (VGO) recovery when revamping existing or designing grassroots crude units. By ...
Preventing ammonium salt fouling and corrosion
Best practices and opportunities to reduce the risk of salt deposition and damage
Maximisation of VGO through deep-cut distillation for refinery margins
Appropriate choice of crude and/or crude oil blends as feedstock and a vacuum tower revamp enable higher production of vacuum gas oil
Why vacuum unit fired heaters coke
A description of the internal workings of vacuum heaters and the causes of coke formation within them
An atmospheric crude tower revamp
Overall gas oil yield was maintained with heavier crudes due to a crude tower revamp. The revamp allowed for a crude heater outlet temperature reducti ...
Entrainment issues in vacuum column flash zones
For a vacuum tower to operate effectively, the flash zone and the wash section must work together to provide the best possible feed quality to the sections ...
Cost-effective exchanger network solutions need to rely on more than just pinch technology if they are to be successful
Thorough tank cleaning means removing all of the sludge and restoring the vessel’s full storage capacity.
Installation of vortex tube clusters in crude unit preflash drums has eliminated foam carry-over, increasing diesel and atmospheric gasoil product yie ...
Case studies show how accurate field-measured differential pressure can be interpreted incorrectly when troubleshooting refinery vacuum columns
Reducing vacuum tower pressure
To create a better vacuum the vapour load to the ejector has to be reduced
Simulating crude units with preflash
Process simulation offers a cost effective way of testing ideas to improve yield and energy performance.
Designing the CDU/VDU for opportunity crudes
New units for processing heavy crudes should not be designed using conventional practices or run length will be short, and product yields and quality ...
Identifying poor heat exchanger performance
Identifying root causes of poor crude unit debutaniser reboiler performance and low-cost solutions that help meet exchanger original design conditions
Evaluating opportunity crude processing
Is processing opportunity crudes for every refiner? Technical challenges and economic benefits from processing high-acid crudes and bottom-of-the-barrel ...
Future of opportunity crudes processing
Five critical drivers help refiners remain profitable and sustain long-term business goals while processing relatively inexpensive, low-quality crudes
Improved conceptual process design avoids revamp scope growth
For grassroots design, defining project scope is a straightforward exercise. Grassroots projects can follow optimum execution procedures for engineering ...
Inaccurate feed characterisation and process modelling errors are major contributors to poor performance in a vacuum unit as refiners switch to heavier ...
Consider retrofits to handle high-viscosity crudes
In 2000, ConocoPhillips’ refinery in Sweeny, Texas, began processing 16° API gravity blends of extra-heavy crude oils, including Merey 16 and BCF 1 ...
Revamping crude towers for quality and yield
A successful revamp of distillation towers for increased diesel quality and yield depended on reliable design and accurate assembly
Part 1 covered the basics of crude-to-chemicals. Part 2 explains how hydroprocessing technology can be used to convert any crude to chemicals to maximise ...
Optimising cartridge tray installation
Methodology for tackling site challenges and improving HSE and quality in cartridge tray installations while reducing the overall installation cost and ...
Enhancing flexibility in two-stage hydrocrackers
Shifting markets and refined product priorities compels refiners to find the flexibility for shifting from middle distillate to naphtha for petrochemical ...
Crude to chemicals: Part 1 - The basic concept of crudes
Reactor platforms with novel heat integration designed around advanced separation techniques and catalyst systems achieve 75% yields from selected cru ...
Maximising stripping section performance
The design of a crude unit stripping section affects diesel and gasoil yields, energy usage, and unit reliability.
Revamping crude towers for quality and yield
A successful revamp of distillation towers for increased diesel quality and yield depended on reliable design and accurate assembly
Importance of testing for vacuum ejectors in refinery service
Efforts should be made to identify and avoid errors in the specification, engineering, and manufacturing of vacuum system equipment before they manifest ...
Crude oil processing scheme for reducing operating costs in the CDU
Development of crude oil distillation processing schemes to significantly reduce external energy and stripping steam demand.
Flue gas heat recovery through the acid dew point
Polymer based heat exchange technology enables more heat recovery from flue gas by addressing acid corrosion issues.
Premature foam-flood in an amine absorber: Part 1
Troubleshooting and hydraulic analysis identified vapour channelling in fixed valve trays as the root cause of premature foam-flooding in a high pressure ...
Column revamp boosts diesel production
Revamping the internals of a main fractionator column enabled a refinery to increase its diesel throughput.
Upgraded crude scheduling enabled a refiner to increase its use of opportunity crudes for higher margin.
Crude preheat train fouling and fix-up
Rigorous modelling of crude preheat train exchangers allows for fouling progression of the heat exchangers to be monitored throughout the crude unit run ...
Debottlenecking product recovery using product pair distillation: Part I
Advantages of using a thermodynamically efficient method to debottleneck existing distillation trains using fewer new columns than traditional methods ...
De-mystifying vacuum ejector systems
First-stage inter-condenser design and performance are critical for reliable vacuum system performance.
Design configurations for lowering quenched coke drum venting pressure
Compare the advantages when installing either an ejector or a water ring compressor for lowering coke drum venting pressure.
Managing vacuum tower wash beds
ThruVision™ scans monitor the rate of coking in vacuum tower wash beds to get the most out of bed productivity.
Anti-fouling additives to improve heavy oil processing
A continuous pilot testing evaluation shows how magnesium sulphonated-based nano-additive is highly effective in mitigating and reducing upgrader/refinery ...
An atmospheric crude tower revamp
Overall gas oil yield was maintained with heavier crudes due to a crude tower revamp. The revamp allowed for a crude heater outlet temperature reducti ...
Planning to counter economic turbulence
Synchronising engineering and planning models should be a key aim to support the resilience and agility needed for economic recovery
ThruVision™ scans are the next step to investigate liquid maldistribution
ThruVision™ technology allows for a complete understanding of liquid distribution, saving days of production losses and massive costs of a unit shut ...
Pre-turnaround scans enable better critical path planning
Tru-Scan™ and Tru-Grid™ Scan results help determine whether to enter a particular column during the turnaround outage or remove it from the critical ...
High performance internals in severe service
Application of a severe service grid achieved 10% higher throughput with improved reliability in a vacuum tower revamp.
Processing lower cost crudes with greater confidence and improved reliability
For more than 100 years, it has been understood in the petroleum refining industry that certain crude oils or, more accurately, crude oil fractions contain ...
Upgrading a vacuum distillation tower (TIA)
Reliable and efficient vacuum towers are key to ensuring optimal performance and yield.
Retrofitting vane pack separator for improved column performance
Case history of a syngas production unit, which experienced high methanol content in the tail gas of the scrubber when operated at 116% of original design ...
MellapakEvo and the evolution of structured packing (ERTC 2024)
Distillation has been the most prevalent separation technology in the chemical industry.
Vacuum heater operational cycle improvement study
Coke formation creates short vacuum heater runs. Controlling film temperature and oil residence time can help reduce coke formation rate inside radiant ...
Optimising cartridge tray installation
Methodology for tackling site challenges and improving HSE and quality in cartridge tray installations while reducing the overall installation cost and ...
From waste to clean energy: The acid path to reducing CO2 emissions
Case study explores environmental benefits of the WSA process to capture waste heat, enhance energy efficiency, and reduce the refinery carbon footpri ...
Diagnosing a premature flood in an atmospheric crude tower
Diagnosing and rectifying the flooding in a crude tower emphasises the importance of conducting plant tests, as well as gamma scanning investigations and ...
Proactive management reduces crude preheat fouling risks
Predictive modelling allows for fouling risks to be predicted and effectively managed, improving energy efficiency while reducing emissions and operating ...
Evaluating tray efficiency impacts on column design
Steps to avoid undersizing or oversizing of columns along with the selection of property packages essential for the model to generate reliable tray traffic ...
MellapakEvo and the evolution of structured packing (RI 2024)
Distillation has been the most prevalent separation technology in the chemical industry.
Transforming packed column efficiency
Column internals, such as packings and distributors, along with application expertise and distillation know-how, are critical to achieving greater productivity ...
Ultra-low entrainment spray nozzles for use in packing wash applications
Development and performance of new spray nozzle technology can greatly reduce entrainment from vacuum distillation wash bed sprays.
Vessel internals enhance worker safety during plant turnarounds (TiA)
Reducing confined space entry when changing media beds using hold-down screen solutions
Innovative vessel internals for enhanced safety when changing media beds (TiA)
In our previous article (PTQ Q1 2024), we discussed the challenges inherent in performing scheduled inspections within confined spaces of fixed-bed downflow ...
Solving a tube failure problem due to flow stratification using the Xtend tube-insert
A vacuum heater located at a major oil refinery experienced tube failures at the top of the radiant section, and inspection showed a substantial layer ...
Part 1 covered the basics of crude-to-chemicals. Part 2 explains how hydroprocessing technology can be used to convert any crude to chemicals to maximise ...
Worker safety when entering reactors with an inert atmosphere (TiA)
The products from petrochemical processing touch almost every aspect of modern living. The importance of these products to industry and society emphasises ...
Considerations for crude unit preflash drums and preflash towers
A guide to debottlenecking, revamping, designing, and operating crude unit preflash facilities based on literature and the authors’ experience.
Unicracking unit flow scheme optimisation and integration
How an optimisation and integration approach can assist in maximising refinery margin for a residue upgrading project.
Predictive model for maximum feedstock flexibility (ERTC 2023)
Challenge of crude oil variability. Current market conditions are driving refineries towards a permanent diversification in crudes. Crude oil is a complex ...
Enhancing profitability using high-efficiency heat exchangers (RI 2023)
Alfa Laval has been in the refinery industry for more than 40 years, with more than 3,000 high-efficiency heat exchangers installed worldwide. The company’s ...
Guiding the crude-to-chemicals complex towards a net-zero future (RI 2023)
In today’s world, the expanding chemical value chain requires superior processing flexibility to shift hydrocarbons from fuels to olefins and aromatics ...
Crude to chemicals: Part 1 - The basic concept of crudes
Reactor platforms with novel heat integration designed around advanced separation techniques and catalyst systems achieve 75% yields from selected cru ...
Simulation VGO and waste lubricating/cooking oil co-hydroprocessing
Software used to build a simulation case for industrial hydrocracking of VGO, WCO, and WLO validates predicted values of gasoline and middle distillates ...
Optimising fouled distillation units
Case studies discuss optimisation strategies and enhanced distillation unit performance against fouled conditions.
Focused revamp increases diesel and HVGO recovery
Refiners have the best opportunity to maximise return through identification of creative solutions during a focused capital revamp.