Processing heavy Canadian crude
Reducing crude oil cost is the major incentive driving crude and vacuum unit projects to handle heavy Canadian crudes. But such crudes–Albian Heavy, Christina Lake, MacKay River and others derived from oil sands–today present refiners with a unique set of problems not just because of extra-low API gravity, but also because of asphaltenes, vanadium and nickel, high solids content and extremely high viscosity vacuum residues. To process such crudes reliably over a 4-5 ...
The Profiler™ TGA provides extremely reliable liquid level and interface measurements for alkylation units and other harsh service environments. The Profiler™ TGA is specifically designed to measure the vertical distribution of multiple interfaces in real time and at high resolution. Key features - Extremely reliable - Low maintenance Benefits - Reduces possibility of acid runaway - Increases production throughput - Optimises acid recirculation - Provides real-time ...
PURASPEC CLEAR Chloride guards
Chlorides in a refinery. Where does it come from? Chlorides are introduced into the refinery flowsheet in several ways. Some crude sources can bring both inorganic and organic chloride content. Desalter processes and chemical additives are used to remove chlorides and prevent corrosion and fouling caused by these chlorides. The other major source is from the Catalytic Reforming Unit (CRU). This unit upgrades straight run naphtha value for use in the gasoline pool or as petrochemical ...
THIOLEX™ caustic extraction of acid gas
THIOLEX™ technology was rst licensed in 1980 and to date Merichem has granted 224 unit operating licenses world-wide. The non-dispersive FIBER FILM® Contactor achieves reduced capital expenditure and less plant space requirements compared to most treating alternatives, making THIOLEX™ the technology-of-choice. Each treating system is custom-designed to meet customer requirements, then engineered and fabricated to the customer's specifications. Whether your ...
ThruPipe™ flaring piping systems
ThruPipe™ Scan. What does it do? A ThruPipe™ scan of a pipe is a non invasive method to examine the contents of a pipe and identify any localised fouling and blockage in the line. The power of the ThruPipe™ technology is that the scanning is done online, so real time information is obtained about how the flow through the pipe is performing at that instant. The scan “sees through” the pipe wall so a determination of what is happening inside without the need to shut down ...
What type of services does Tracerco provide for desalters and what does it reveal? A Tracerco PhaseFinder™ scan of a desalter measures interface levels through the vessel wall between liquid and solids, or between two different types of liquids. A PhaseFinder™ scan of desalter vessels will yield a lot of information about where the various layers of material are located, and the quality of interface between oil and water. A tracer study can be used to measure the oil and ...
Tray designs for extreme fouling applications
Today refiners experience a lot of problems with processing of opportunity or heavy crudes. Such crudes have very high sulfur content and require the addition of amine scavengers before desalting. These amines decompose in the heater and create ammonium chlorides in the presence of water in the top of the crude tower. Dissolved salts start to precipitate and crystallize when the solution becomes saturated and water is vaporized. Such fouling starts to grow below and above trays ...
Why do many crude/vacuum units perform poorly?
In many cases it’s because the original design was based more on virtual than actual reality. There is no question: computer simulations have a key role to play but it’s equally true that process design needs to be based on what works in the field and not on the ideals of the process simulator. Nor should the designer simply base the equipment selection on vendor-stated performance. The design engineer needs to have actual refinery process engineering experience, not ...
Xtend by XRG - A better technology for heat transfer
Fired Heater Fouling Costs Millions. A typical 100,000 barrel per day refinery loses $3-7 million annually because of fouling in fired heaters. Fouling overheats tubes, increases firing rate, reduces yields, and causes lost onstream days. Shutting down a crude, vacuum, or coker heater is extremely costly both in labor and throughput. To combat these issues, XRG Technologies developed Xtend - a tube-insert to reduce fouling and increase heat transfer. Xtend - A Better Technology ...
Optimising the efficiency of shutdowns and turnarounds to improve processes
Tracerco’s diagnostic techniques provide you with the invaluable insights you need to reduce your turnaround times and costs by identifying operational process problems and mechanical integrity of internals in real-time and whilst online. Tracerco’s level, density, interface and multiphase nucleonic instrumentation provides invaluable insights to help you make informed decisions to increase profits, manage risks and reduce costs. Making data-driven decisions can significantly ...
Biofilm: A hidden threat to refining and petrochemical operations
Did you know that a seemingly insignificant amount of biofilm can negatively affect heat exchanger reliability and efficiency and, as a result, significantly limit production? Attend this webinar from Solenis to gain valuable insights into risks and solution methodologies for biofilm issues. • Learn how biofilm can affect your profitability and production efficiency • Explore novel technologies from Solenis that mitigate the risks posed by biofilm • Hear about a leading ...
CDU desalter processing with interface control
In this webinar, you will find out how Tracerco’s advanced multi-phase nucleonic instrumentation can analyse desalter performance and improve crude blending capacity. Discover opportunities to: - Improve environmental impact, compliance and energy usage - Reduce unplanned trips and downtime - Optimise chemical dosing (demulsifiers/neutralisers) - Reduce overhead corrosion, as well as catalyst deactivation in FCC - Improve process control enabling data driven insights With ...
Intelligently predict and manage sour water corrosion in refinery applications
One of the primary concerns in refinery operations, especially when processing sour crudes, is management and mitigation of NH4HS (Sour Water) corrosion in hydrocrackers, hydrotreaters, FCC and other unit circuits. Honeywell's Predict-SW software, a byproduct of more than 15 years of intense Joint Industry Project (JIP) research, provides an easy to use framework to quantify NH4HS corrosion as a function of key process parameters across the refinery value chain for commonly used ...
Intelligently predict and prevent corrosion across your operations
Learn how the fight against corrosion never stops - it is a fact of life every day across Oil & Gas, Refining and Pipeline operations, what-if you could have insight into real-time corrosion rates in your process? Honeywell Predict® Corrosion Suite provides the next generation of corrosion management solutions, intelligent software providing real time corrosion quantification. Unlike conventional corrosion management methods, unique prediction models are employed that ...