
Number: 20


  • About Axens

    Axens is a group providing a complete range of solutions for the conversion of oil and biomass to cleaner fuels, the production and purification of major petrochemical intermediates as well as all of natural gas' treatment and conversion options. The offer includes technologies, equipment, furnaces, modular units, catalysts, adsorbents and related services. Axens is ideally positioned to cover the entire value chain, from feasibility study to unit start-up and follow-up throughout ...

  • Advanced Filtration System

    UNICAT Catalyst’s grading series are uniquely shaped, high alumina inert filtration grading disks. These disks have been designed and optimized to mitigate pressure drop problems due to the build-up of various foulants in the grading and top catalyst layers of hydrotreating reactors and other fixed bed units. AFS grading solutions have been successfully installed in more than 500 applications. Innovation in design The Next Generation of AFS has optimized uniform flow channels, ...

  • Axens overview

    Axens is a group providing a complete range of solutions for the conversion of oil and biomass to cleaner fuels, the production and purification of major petrochemical intermediates as well as all of natural gas' treatment and conversion options. The offer includes technologies, equipment, furnaces, modular units, catalysts, adsorbents and related services. Axens is ideally positioned to cover the entire value chain, from feasibility study to unit start-up and follow-up ...

  • Chemical process industry

    The chemical process industry has always been the driving force for Sulzer Chemtech’s innovations. In the early 1960’s, the stringent requirements for the purification of heat-sensitive fragrances led to the development of the Sulzer Packing BX, which set a new standard for vacuum distillation and led to the development of many other unique products. For classical column operations like distillation, absorption and extraction, and for alternatives such as crystallization, ...

  • Designing deepcut vacuum units that really work

    Every barrel of vacuum gas oil (VGO) you can save from being reduced to coke in the delayed coker unit is a barrel more that can go to the FCCU. That’s a good reason to raise HVGO cutpoint. But how to do it? Some people think the job can be done just by running computer models in the engineering office, relying on vendors and their data sheets for a clue to true equipment performance. Experience, however, shows it just ain't so. For either a grass roots project or a revamp, ...

  • Droplet Separators (Demister)

    For many decades, VFF droplet separators have been successfully used in a large variety of applications and design forms — up to 18 m in diameter. Wire mesh droplet separators (Demister) are used for the removal of small liquid droplets (aerosols) from exhaust gases, exhaust air and steam. VFF’s portfolio includes a wide range of practical experience in the following applications and devices: - Absorbers - Seawater desalination equipment - Washers - Sulphuric acid plants - ...

  • F-Grid™: conventional grid

    Sulzer Chemtech has broadened its portfolio to offer F-Grid for conventional grid applications. F-Grid is available in two styles in order to best match the needs of the application. F-Grid 2 is used for higher capacity applications while F-Grid 3 is used for high efficiency applications.

  • Gas/Liquid separation technology

    Sulzer is a major player in the field of gas/liquid and liquid/liquid separation technology, offering a full range of innovative products and related services. Our commitment to development of technology, combined with application knowhow and consistent fabrication standards ensures that a well-engineered solution is available for most separation problems. Our expertise gained from hundreds of successful installations in a broad spectrum of applications ensures that the best ...

  • GEA MDI Splitting Process

    Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) is an organic chemical which is one of the main components for the production of polyurethanes. Crude MDI is still only commercially produced via the phosgene route and contains three diisocyanate isomers, oligomeric polyisocyanates (tri,tetra,penta ,etc isocyanates), byproducts and impurities. The present market requires separate products or blends thereof to make polyurethanes with a wide range of properties. The MDI splitting plant is responsible ...

  • ITW Online Cleaning

    Will revolutionize turnaround operations and operational excellence by optimizing: productivity, operability, safety health and environment, reliability, product quality, energy efficiency, CO2 SOX NOX VOC emissions, maintenance and repair and operational requirements. An entire Unit can be ITW Online Cleaned in as low as 24 hours on an oil-to-oil basis, including all the equipment and not only the relevant one, without the need of opening it. ITW Online Cleaning a Unit in ...

  • Liquid-liquid separation technology

    In industrial process equipments liquid-liquid mixtures are produced by essentially two different mechanisms. a) Mixing of the phases in either purpose built equipment, mechanical mixers, static mixers where pressure energy is applied to increase the surface free energy of the fluids to produce droplets, or in shear flow of the fluid mixture in pipes. b) The cooling of a saturated liquid below the solution point so that the solute phase condenses out of solution resulting in ...

  • Multi-cassette designs provide a new option for mist elimination

    In many industrial processes, the entrainment of liquid in gas streams can lead to damage to compressors or filler materials such as molecular sieves or, at the very least, reduction of throughput. The formation and the size of liquid droplets in the gas stream are determined mainly by the process application. With the wide variation of entrainment and processes, various technologies continue to develop to best meet those needs. New Mist Elimination Technology The Sulzer MKS ...

  • Refinery applications with advanced mass transfer technology

    Sulzer Chemtech is the process engineering and equipment manufacturing division of the international Sulzer Corporation, with its headquarters in Winterthur, Switzerland. Areas of expertise include equipment and application know-how in separation and mixing technology. Products include trays, structured packing, and random packing for separation columns; internals for separators; fractional crystallization systems; and equipment for mixing and reaction processes. Leading in ...