

  • Regional shifts in higher refinery capacity seem to correspond with the need for more intensive water treatment programmes involving wastewater recycle processes while protecting heat exchangers and linked assets from fouling and corrosion. At what level of investment have you seen refinery operators commit to plant water quality while reducing its consumption?



  • Marcio Wagner da Silva, Petrobras, marciows@petrobras.com.br

    This is a key question to the sustainability of the crude oil refining industry as well as to the whole downstream business. We are seeing great efforts in the last decades to improve the sustainability of the oil & gas industry and no doubt, the adequate water management in crude oil refineries is a key part of the strategy to achieve this goal.

    I believe that the investments in wastewater recycling in crude oil refineries tends to increase in the next years in compliance with stricter regulations aiming to minimize the water consumption which needs to be preserved for noblest purposes like human consumption. The water consumption can be a survive question for some refiners that can inclusive lead a refinery to be closed, an interesting article about this topic was published in the Q4 2008 edition of PTQ Magazine by KBC Company, the article details some actions and management program to optimize the water consumption in crude oil refineries.

