Processing high TAN crude: part I
Huizhou, which is the first refinery for processing 100% high TAN crude, started up in 2009. This article describes the challenges of an opportunity crude ...
Crude overhead system design considerations
Proper crude unit overhead system design is important when building a new unit or revamping an existing one to process different crudes
Challenges of heavy crude processing
A review of upgrading options and refinery configurations to process heavy crudes profitably. Refiners have long faced a major dilemma when designing refineries ...
Assessment of crude oil blends
A refiner’s assessment of the compatibility of opportunity crudes in blends aims to avoid the processing problems introduced by lower-quality feedst ...
The challenges of crude blending - Part 2
The second part of a two-part article details the importance of crude selection and blending strategies to prosper in a low cost yet volatile market.
Managing vanadium from high metals crude oils
Improvements in process and equipment design with regard to crude unit and delayed coker distillation column performance can reduce metals content
An atmospheric crude tower revamp
Overall gas oil yield was maintained with heavier crudes due to a crude tower revamp. The revamp allowed for a crude heater outlet temperature reducti ...
The challenges of crude blending - Part 1
Declining crude prices encourage more spot purchases that save costs, but mixing different grades can create headaches for refiners.
Diverting low-sulphur heavy stocks for fuel oil production
Studies enabled a refinery to divert low-value product stocks into higher-value products and preserve crude throughput levels
Crude oil selection: optimisation by weight or by volume?
The LP model should optimise crude and products in their trading units for accurate assessment of crude oil worth and maximisation of gains from product ...
Cost-effective exchanger network solutions need to rely on more than just pinch technology if they are to be successful
Why there is no excuse for operating a dirty amine system. The benefits of reclaiming amine systems are trumpeted by many and doubted by others.
Thorough tank cleaning means removing all of the sludge and restoring the vessel’s full storage capacity.
An examination into the feedstock and process conditions where solvent deasphalting is the most appropriate technology for upgrading residue
Designing the CDU/VDU for opportunity crudes
New units for processing heavy crudes should not be designed using conventional practices or run length will be short, and product yields and quality ...
Processing high TAN crude: part II
Huizhou, which is the first refinery for processing 100% high TAN crude, started up in 2009. This article describes the challenges of an opportunity crude ...
Cuba’s oil: due for development
Cuba’s ambitions for energy self-sufficiency require major investment in the nation’s oil reserves and refining industry
Desalting heavy Canadian crudes
Effective desalting requires large desalters and attention to all variables associated with good desalter performance
Evaluating opportunity crude processing
Is processing opportunity crudes for every refiner? Technical challenges and economic benefits from processing high-acid crudes and bottom-of-the-barrel ...
Future of opportunity crudes processing
Five critical drivers help refiners remain profitable and sustain long-term business goals while processing relatively inexpensive, low-quality crudes
Anode-grade coke from traditional crudes
A combination of solvent deasphalting and delayed coking is an option to minimise fuel oil production and produce anode-grade coke
Gasification technologies deliver steam, hydrogen and power from low-value refining residues and petcoke
FCC flue gas scrubber alternatives: part I
The merits of combining additives and barrier filters as a cost-effective and highly efficient way of meeting SOx, NOx and particulate matter emissions ...
Inaccurate feed characterisation and process modelling errors are major contributors to poor performance in a vacuum unit as refiners switch to heavier ...
Improved conceptual process design avoids revamp scope growth
For grassroots design, defining project scope is a straightforward exercise. Grassroots projects can follow optimum execution procedures for engineering ...
An introduction to fouling in fired heaters: part 1
Fouling is the accumulation and formation of unwanted materials on the surfaces of processing equipment.
Oil-to-chemicals: new approaches
A review of developments and trends in the expanding business of oil-to-chemicals.
Response to a question in the Q3 2020 issue of PTQ
Delayed coker revamp for a capacity increase
Revamping to a three-drum coker arrangement delivered improved product yields, higher throughput, and greater feedstock flexibility.
Multi-phase project enables switch to heavier crude (TIA)
In recent years, deasphalted oil (DAO) hydrocracking has emerged as a highly attractive investment option, principally because it provides the opportunity ...
Responses to a question in the Q3 2020 issue of PTQ
Responses to a question in the Q1 2021 issues Q&A Feature
Cleaning amine units cost effectively
Heat stable salts are dissolved or avoided by chemical products and cleaning methods during operations and turnarounds.
An atmospheric crude tower revamp
Overall gas oil yield was maintained with heavier crudes due to a crude tower revamp. The revamp allowed for a crude heater outlet temperature reducti ...
The challenges of crude blending - Part 2
The second part of a two-part article details the importance of crude selection and blending strategies to prosper in a low cost yet volatile market.
Characterising and tracking contaminants in opportunity crudes
The specific properties of contaminants in opportunity crudes affect the selection of crude slates for existing facilities and the design of revamps and ...
Automated level measurement cuts desalter upsets (TIA)
The path from crude oil to high quality, usable products involves complex technical production and processing procedures in refineries, whereby several ...
HDXRF vs ICP for nickel and vanadium in crude oil
Technology introduced over the last decade, such as horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, has led to new sources of light tight oil (LTO). LTO ...
Responses to a question in the Q3 2020 issue of PTQ
Increasing hydrogen plant capacity
A validated model enabled analysis of five potential revamps for an increase in hydrogen production
An introduction to fouling in fired heaters — Part 2: exterior fouling
An important fouling mechanism on the fireside is corrosion fouling, especially for oil fired equipment.
Assessment of crude oil blends
A refiner’s assessment of the compatibility of opportunity crudes in blends aims to avoid the processing problems introduced by lower-quality feedst ...
Desalting heavy Canadian crudes
Effective desalting requires large desalters and attention to all variables associated with good desalter performance
Challenges of heavy crude processing
A review of upgrading options and refinery configurations to process heavy crudes profitably. Refiners have long faced a major dilemma when designing refineries ...
Maximising profitability with FCC feeds from opportunity crudes
Case studies show how to achieve optimal monetisation value with opportunity feeds through operating strategies, innovative catalysts and technical st ...
Myth of high cutpoint in dry vacuum units
Accurate measures of true boiling point cutpoints are essential to correctly evaluate vacuum unit performance
Problems in processing discounted crudes Part 2: crude and vacuum columns
Project costs must be considered to fully understand whether or not an opportunity crude really does deliver on savings.
Processing shale oil in an FCC unit: catalyst and profit optimisation
Adjustments in base catalyst, use of ZSM-5 additives and metal traps enable efficient processing of paraffinic and heavy crude in the presence of metals ...
Cuba’s oil: due for development
Cuba’s ambitions for energy self-sufficiency require major investment in the nation’s oil reserves and refining industry
Chemical analysis in amine system operations
The array of contaminants that can disrupt the operation of alkanolamine systems needs to be precisely characterised and analysed
K Model: The future of blending (RI 2023)
In a refinery operation, the profitability margin is increased when heavy crude fractions are blended with light crude without affecting processabilit ...
Evaluating purchased feedstocks for hydrocrackers and hydrotreaters
Over the years in my career, I came to respect traders who could locate, negotiate, and purchase cheap feedstocks. The good traders seemed like sharks ...
An introduction to fouling in fired heaters — Part 2: exterior fouling
An important fouling mechanism on the fireside is corrosion fouling, especially for oil fired equipment.
An introduction to fouling in fired heaters: part 1
Fouling is the accumulation and formation of unwanted materials on the surfaces of processing equipment.
Multi-phase project enables switch to heavier crude (TIA)
In recent years, deasphalted oil (DAO) hydrocracking has emerged as a highly attractive investment option, principally because it provides the opportunity ...
Cleaning amine units cost effectively
Heat stable salts are dissolved or avoided by chemical products and cleaning methods during operations and turnarounds.
Delayed coker revamp for a capacity increase
Revamping to a three-drum coker arrangement delivered improved product yields, higher throughput, and greater feedstock flexibility.
Increasing hydrogen plant capacity
A validated model enabled analysis of five potential revamps for an increase in hydrogen production
Responses to a question in the Q1 2021 issues Q&A Feature
Response to a question in the Q3 2020 issue of PTQ
Responses to a question in the Q3 2020 issue of PTQ
Responses to a question in the Q3 2020 issue of PTQ
HDXRF vs ICP for nickel and vanadium in crude oil
Technology introduced over the last decade, such as horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, has led to new sources of light tight oil (LTO). LTO ...
Automated level measurement cuts desalter upsets (TIA)
The path from crude oil to high quality, usable products involves complex technical production and processing procedures in refineries, whereby several ...
Oil-to-chemicals: new approaches
A review of developments and trends in the expanding business of oil-to-chemicals.
Addressing the sour gas challenge
Recent developments in corrosion resistant alloys help operators to overcome the challenges of hydrogen sulphide induced cracking in pipelines and key ...
Improving level control in desalters to aid in use of opportunity crudes
Refineries are a complex set of various operating units designed to process crude oil into refined products such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuels and feedstocks ...
Analysing desalter performance and improving crude blending capacity with multi-phase instrumentation and control.
Development of a naphthenic acid corrosion model
A model has been developed to predict and help prevent corrosion when processing high TAN crudes.
Revamping a bitumen heating system
A redesigned oil based heating system for bitumen storage and sales saves energy and eliminates customer complaints.
Problems in processing discounted crudes Part 2: crude and vacuum columns
Project costs must be considered to fully understand whether or not an opportunity crude really does deliver on savings.
Heavy feed characterisation: a molecular approach
Characterising heavy feeds on a molecular basis, together with kinetic studies, accurately predicts the reactivity of a wide range of vacuum residues.
Wastewater treatment for challenging crudes
A new organic polymer treatment has enabled refiners to more effectively process a variety of opportunity crudes
Thorough tank cleaning means removing all of the sludge and restoring the vessel’s full storage capacity.
A line-up featuring ebullated bed hydrocracking delivers full conversion of bitumen, including production of premium diesel fuel