Hydrocracker revamp for Grangemouth refinery
BP Oil’s Grangemouth refinery has completed an extensive revamp of its hydrocracker and FCC, reducing production of fuel oil and upgrading to middle ...
Thermodynamic model of sediment deposition in the LC-Fining process
The LC-Fining ebullated bed hydrocracking process is used to hydrocrack residuum. In this process, sediment deposition in the downstream equipment sometimes ...
How much CO2 can a refinery release into the atmosphere? This is one of the many challenges facing refineries when it comes to reducing CO2 emmisions
Hydrogen - the key refinery enabler
In the 21st century, the term “scraping the bottom of the barrel” has become quite literal to the refining industry and hydrogen comes to the fore ...
Developments in hydrotreating catalyst
How a second generation hydrotreating catalyst was developed for high pressure ultra-low sulphur diesel units and hydrocracker pretreaters.
Reducing hydrogen consumption in diesel hydrotreating
Fractionating a raw diesel stream before hydrotreating reduces consumption of hydrogen to produce high quality diesel.
Starting up hydrotreating units with cracked feeds
A catalyst sulphiding process enables the introduction of cracked or heavy feeds to HDS units without the recommended three-day delay following change ...
Improving VGO hydrotreater operation
A practical, industrial data-derived tool can give refiners confidence in simulating the actual benefits of additional hydrogen for improved VGO hydrotreater ...
Next-generation BRIM catalyst technology
The need for high-activity hydroprocessing catalysts continues, with US, European and Asian refiners already supplying their markets with ultra-low-sulphur ...
Poor-quality crude oils and strict environmental regulations promote the use of technologies that favour energy savings and environmental protection
Improving cold flow in diesel fuel
Hydrotreating arrangements that overcome challenges to diesel’s cold flow properties meet current specifications more economically than blending and ...
Optimising middle distillate production in a hydrocracker
How to maximise middle distillate production and assure product quality from a range of hydrocracking catalysts and processing schemes.
The integration of Isocracking/Isodewaxing catalysts with process for the production of premium lubricant base oils by hydroprocessing is discussed
Choosing quench interbed technology
A design for hydroprocessing interbed internals favours separate mixing of gas and liquid phases before contacting of the two phases occurs
Catalyst testing for hydrocracking and hydrotreating
High throughput experimentation techniques enable performance testing of commercial catalysts with real feedstocks such as deasphalted oil
Bayernoil mild hydrocracker CATnap application
On 21 January, Bayernoil, Neustadt, successfully shut down the mild hydrocracker (MHC) using the CATnap catalyst passivation process applied by Cat Tech ...
Heat integration projects for refining processes
Heat integration projects can deliver substantial savings, but they require detailed simulation and case-specific heat integration analysis
Converting VGO HDS units to moderate pressure hydrocracking
An introduction to the technology of MAK Moderate Pressure Hydrocracking (MPHC), together with details of a successful revamp at the Chiba refinery of ...
Increasing hydrocracker capacity at low cost
Detailed case studies are presented, illustrating the planning and working methods that were followed in revamping the hydrocrackers at two refineries, ...
Towards a zero gasoline production refinery: part 2
Refinery configurations can suit various processing objectives, such as variations to the propylene-to-ethylene ratio and production of middle distillates ...
Optimised reactor internals for a hydroprocessing unit
Optimised distributor and quench box design can improve catalyst performance and unit reliability
Choosing a hydroprocessing scheme
A systematic approach to selecting hydroprocessing technology meets process objectives with optimal operating and capital costs
NPRA 2012 Q&A and technology forum, hydroprocessing cracked materials
What are the operating constraints in co-processing coker naphtha in a ULSD and/or gas oil hydrotreater unit?
Eliminating inert entry for catalyst changeout (TIA)
Since hydrocracking and hydrotreating catalyst were introduced to the refining industry in the mid-20th century, it has always been a struggle to safely ...
Feed containing fines, in-organic matter, sludge, rust etc. can cause excessive pressure drop build-up issues in hydroprocessing reactors.
The ART of trapping silicon and arsenic
In an effort to lower costs and improve refining margins, refiners often look for opportunities to purchase lower cost crudes or other feedstocks
How much CO2 can a refinery release into the atmosphere? This is one of the many challenges facing refineries when it comes to reducing CO2 emmisions
Simulating VGO, WLO, and WCO co-hydroprocessing: Part 2
Economic analysis performed when co-hydroprocessing VGO, WLO, and WCO shows that WLO studied percentages increase hydrocracking unit net profits.
Choosing quench interbed technology
A design for hydroprocessing interbed internals favours separate mixing of gas and liquid phases before contacting of the two phases occurs
Advances in residue hydrocracking
Recent developments in ebullated bed hydrocracking technology target high residue conversion and high quality products.
Feed containing fines, in-organic matter, sludge, rust etc. can cause excessive pressure drop build-up issues in hydroprocessing reactors.
Discovering hydrocracking units potential with pretreat and tailored hydrocracking catalysts
A refiner uses pretreat and hydrocracking catalyst to maximise heavy naphtha, kerosene, and diesel production with improved product properties.
Developments in hydrotreating catalyst
How a second generation hydrotreating catalyst was developed for high pressure ultra-low sulphur diesel units and hydrocracker pretreaters.
Hydrotreating challenges and opportunities with tight oil
Tight oil’s contaminant and cold flow challenges require appropriate catalyst treatment systems
New catalysts for low and medium pressure hydrotreating
A catalyst platform provides higher performance in middle distillate hydrotreating applications with limited hydrogen, difficult feedstocks and severe ...
Boosting hydrocracker heavy feed conversion
New pore structure in nano-engineered zeolites helps to improve conversion efficiency of heavy molecules, improving product yields and qualities.
Reactor effluent air cooler safety through design
Quality-controlled replacement of carbon steel with Duplex 2205 for revamps can increase the service life and reliability of the REAC in the high-pressure ...
A line-up featuring ebullated bed hydrocracking delivers full conversion of bitumen, including production of premium diesel fuel
Choosing a hydroprocessing scheme
A systematic approach to selecting hydroprocessing technology meets process objectives with optimal operating and capital costs
Revamping a hydrocracker’s overhead condenser
A stepwise approach solved seasonal issues affecting plans to increase a hydrocracker’s capacity
Revamp cat feed hydrotreaters for flexible yields
Revamping a cat feed hydrotreater to a flexible mild hydrocracker can be the most attractive economic option for adjusting the gasoline to diesel rati ...
Improving cold flow in diesel fuel
Hydrotreating arrangements that overcome challenges to diesel’s cold flow properties meet current specifications more economically than blending and ...
Increasing profit in hydrocracking and diesel hydroprocessing
A drop-in catalyst for hydrocracking pretreat and distillate hydrotreating raises activity with heat management savings.
Reduce the carbon footprint of tail gas treating with reactivated catalysts
Times have changed since catalytic processes were established.
Hydrotreating in the production of green diesel
A novel scheme enables co-processing of light gas oil and tall diesel to produce a renewable diesel meeting EN 590 specifications
Hydroprocessing rate increase using shaped charges
Catalyst size and shape are critical contributors to hydroprocessing reactor performance.
Diesel hydrotreating and mild hydrocracking
Increased hydroprocessing capability must provide an acceptable long-term return on capital, while producing the desired product yields and qualities
Simulation of bitumen upgrading processes
Two bitumen upgrading processes currently used in the Canadian oil sands industry were investigated using modelling and simulation techniques
Reducing hydrogen consumption in diesel hydrotreating
Fractionating a raw diesel stream before hydrotreating reduces consumption of hydrogen to produce high quality diesel.
Catalytic distillation to enhance gasoline quality: Part II
European regulations covering gasoline quality standards have moved on since Part I of this article. With further reductions in sulphur levels now likely, ...
Increasing profit in hydrocracking and diesel hydroprocessing
A drop-in catalyst for hydrocracking pretreat and distillate hydrotreating raises activity with heat management savings.
Tail gas hydrotreating in a high H2S gas plant
A tail gas hydrotreating catalyst delivers stable sulphur recovery operations, including low emission levels and energy savings, with a low rate of de ...
An alumina-supported catalyst for ULSD production or hydrocracking pretreat provides longer catalyst cycles, higher throughput, and better product qua ...
Improving cold flow in diesel fuel
Hydrotreating arrangements that overcome challenges to diesel’s cold flow properties meet current specifications more economically than blending and ...
Responses to a question in the Q1 2021 issues Q&A feature
What type of catalyst do we need for low pressure hydrotreating of middle distillates?
Responses to a question in the Q1 2021 issues Q&A Feature
Increased flexibility and profitability from hydroprocessing catalyst
Refiners have faced, and will continue to face, numerous external challenges from multiple fronts to maintain a profitable operation.
Revamping an integrated hydrocracker and lube base oil unit
Process and catalytic advances enabled large-scale expansion of an integrated unit to increase fuels and base oil production.
Arkema develops new digital features for the sulphiding of hydroprocessing catalysts (ERTC)
In 2020, Arkema successfully tested and implemented a digital environment that both eases and strengthens data communication with the refinery during the ...
Response to a question in the Q3 2020 issue of PTQ
Making innovative catalysts to trigger a reaction in chemical, gas and refining processes
When you are creating high-quality petrochemical end products, you must first trigger a reaction.
Boosting mild hydrocracking performance
Optimising its mild hydrocracking operations using new catalyst developments enabled a refinery to meet more complex targets for fuel quality.
Pilot plant studies of hydrotreating catalysts
Studies of catalysts for hydrotreating lubricant base oil delivered similar results from conventional and high throughput pilot plants
Interview with Dan Gillis, Director Technology at Chevron Lummus Global
Entering China’s downstream market as a licensor, approaching potential clients at oil and gas events and switching to biofuels: Dan Gillis, Director, ...
Boosting hydrocracker heavy feed conversion
New pore structure in nano-engineered zeolites helps to improve conversion efficiency of heavy molecules, improving product yields and qualities.
Developments in refining catalysts
New catalyst technologies underpin increasing flexibility in refineries’ response to changes in demand for their output.
Respond To Market Conditions. As market conditions, regulations and technologies change, UOP continues to redefine the future of refining. We are helping ...
Maximising crude value in base oil production
Retrofitting a combination of all-hydroprocessing routes delivers lower capital and operating costs in the production of premium base oil stocks.
The origins and fates of chlorides in hydroprocessing units
A step-by-step roadmap to identifying and managing the negative effects of chlorides in hydroprocessing units.
Residuum hydrocracking: chemistry and catalysis
Significant advances have been made in understanding the hydrocracking chemistry of residuum oils and in the catalytic systems required for deep conversion ...
Catalytic lube dewaxing defeats feed contamination (TIA)
A base stock manufacturer was experiencing poor lube plant feed quality stemming from refinery equipment problems. The hydrocracker producing the feed ...
Catalysts are tested in laboratory and pilot plant units for purposes of catalyst research, catalyst development, and catalyst selection. Hoekstra Trading™ ...
New catalysts for low and medium pressure hydrotreating
A catalyst platform provides higher performance in middle distillate hydrotreating applications with limited hydrogen, difficult feedstocks and severe ...
Ways for refiners to capitalize on the benefits of ultra-high activity catalysts (TIA)
ExxonMobil and Ketjen launched the first commercial Bulk Metal Catalyst in 2001. The commercialization of Nebula®* (Catalyst A) represented a wholein ...
Technical collaboration triples NHT cycle length (TIA)
A nine-month cycle once seemed like a victory. But with pressure drop still flat after 27 months, the engineers on a naphtha hydrotreater in the Texas ...