New design features enhance separation performance
The Shell Schoepentoeter™ is a vane-type inlet device for feeding high momentum gas-liquid mixtures into separators or distillation columns. The Schoepentoeter has two main functions: separating the liquid from the vapor and evenly distributing the vapor in the gas compartment of the vessel. While Schoepentoeters have been recognized as the primary choice of radial inlet device in many separator vessels, performance in distillation columns has been challenged by proponents ...
MINIVAP VP Vision - next generation vapor pressure testing
MINIVAP VP Vision is a highly versatile portable vapor pressure tester that features best-in-class precision and a pressure range of 0-2000 kPa. It is the first analyzer that demonstrates excellence in engineering by earning certificates for robustness and durability. Based on Grabner´s cutting-edge Cockpit™ technology, the instrument offers unmatched networking capabilities and enables. Benefits • Engineered for excellence MINIVAP VP Vision measures gasoline, ...
FIBER FILM - Non-dispersive hydrocarbon treating
Introduced in 1974, the FIBER FILM® Contactor is the foundation for a variety of caustic, amine and acid treating processes. Merichem processes using FIBER FILM Contactors have been licensed worldwide and successfully applied to treating problems throughout the hydrocarbon processing industries. One of the most common applications of FIBER FILM Contactor technology is in caustic treatment, an essential part of hydrocarbon processing for impurity removal. Merichem’s FIBER ...
Innovative solutions and measurable results from Solenis
For more than 100 years, Solenis has been dedicated to helping refineries operate more efficiently and profitably. Achieving these goals requires innovative chemistries, advanced monitoring and control systems, and expert support.
DAVY butanediol and co‐products process
Johnson Matthey are the provider of the leading DAVYTM technology for butanediol (BDO) plants worldwide. We offer a more economical process by using low-cost raw materials, producing BDO from butane via maleic anhydride (MAH), or from sugar via succinic acid (SAC), with the latter process making bio-based BDO possible. The DAVY process is also designed with an esterification step prior to hydrogenolysis. This achieves greater efficiency, and a higher-quality product. In ...
LB 350 - Online Moisture Analyzer
Radiometric moisture analyser for representative and robust measurements on bulk material. The LB 350 is a moisture measurement system for real-time determination of the moisture content of a wide variety of different bulk materials such as: * Coke * Sinter mixture * Ore * Sand * Building material
Effective water removal creates extra capacity in your absorber-stripper
Free or soluble water carrying over from the FCC or Coker Main Fractionator overhead systems can cause foaming problems and flooding in the Absorber-Stripper columns. Column designs that incorporate effective water removal can free-up capacity for valuable naphtha or LPG production. The Problem Even with bulk water removal in the overhead knockout drums or high pressure receivers, water carryover can go hand-in-hand with capacity creep. Higher charge rates can create superficial ...
VSP® V High performance tower packing with lowest pressure drop
The VSP-V is the updated version of VFF’s world wide known random packing VSP. The VSP-V offers high performance in plastic with top mass transfer and lowest pressure drop and is easy to handle during column loading and emptying.
Heavy crudes are here to stay. As longs as oil prices remain high, Canadian, Venezuelan, Deep Water Gulf of Mexico, Mexican and other low API gravity crude oils will play an ever more important role in supplying world refineries. And prices promise to remain high because gainsayers notwithstanding, Hubbert was right. A big question is how to handle best these nasty crudes? Do you revamp existing units or invest in new capacity? With refineries now running flat out, the balance ...
UNICAT Catalyst Technologies LLC are a global manufacturer and supplier of DRI Catalysts. An established supplier of DRI catalysts with over 10 years of reformer references from our 1st generation MYD spherical catalyst. Building upon 40 years of ceramic manufacturing experience our 2nd generation DRI Catalyst (Magcat®) was developed, which dramatically improves gas flow by +% without the need to add any further tubes. That means ZERO CAPEX required to achieve +35% more reformed ...
Trindent Consulting Downstream Overview
Trindent Consulting is a global technical augmentation company with a passion for solving complex problems in the downstream sector. We have helped over 100 clients worldwide achieve financial benefits that yield between 500-1500% ROI within the first year – and we’ve done that without capital investments or software changes of any kind. With deep industry knowledge in the downstream sector, our team of experts assess and implement best-in-class processes to widen your ...
Neles™ top-guided globe valve, series GU
Superior control performance and high reliability for wide range of applications from general to demanding service. Neles series GU globe valves provide superior control performance and high reliability in wide range of applications. Standard units are equipped with Neles diaphragm actuators and Neles valve controllers for precise flow control, extended operation life and performance monitoring online.
Flawless project execution will not prevent a unit shutdown due to selecting the wrong metallurgy for a challenging crude slate. No matter how well it is fabricated and installed, a shell and tube exchanger with cold, high viscosity vacuum resid on the tube side will have poor heat transfer performance. On-time shipping and installation of a too-small desalter will not prevent crude column overhead corrosion if the centerline velocity is overly optimistic for the design crude. A ...
How to maintain production without your water treatment plant
This webinar reaches out to downstream plant managers, facing an increasing challenge from their ageing assets including water treatment plants. Ageing plants may impact continuity of production. When a plant is not reliable or efficient, emergency maintenance is often required to avoid disruption to production which could result in costly downtime for operating sites. This presentation demonstrates how the rental service from Veolia’s Mobile Water Services, can safely provide ...
The case for plant modernization and upgrades
With a system that's outdated or showing signs of it, you are well aware of the risks of running your plant processes with aging hardware and software. Waiting to modernize will impact your cost of ownership due to shortages of critical parts and support, will increase risk of an unplanned production shutdown, and likely will have no incremental benefits. A well-designed modernization approach allows the opportunity to reduce system footprint and costs. Whether by eliminating ...
How turbocompressors drive and safeguard downstream plant operations
This webinar reaches out to end users in the hydrocarbon industry who face the challenge of achieving operational availability, equipment reliability, and efficiency in their plants. These factors are crucial for end users, with many complex and intricate processes operating in parallel. Compression technology drives and safeguards many of these processes. Presenter Ulrich Schmitz will put particular focus on different chemical/petrochemical and refinery, syngas, and LNG applications. ...
How to achieve operational excellence with safe and profitable operating windows
Plant of the Future’ is making headway towards operational excellence using technologies that enable safe and efficient operations to improve your bottom line and reduce OPEX expenses. Operations Management provides the foundation needed to enable operations excellence. In this presentation, we’ll show you the tools we’ve designed to manage and control critical limits, shift handovers, and process deviations. You are going to learn: - How Honeywell Forge Operations ...
Learn how to build refinery models quickly and easily to support your LP model
In this webinar we will present refinery modelling workflows, features and functionalities, which showcase Honeywell Forge Process Simulation’ refinery-wide flow sheeting capabilities. These capabilities span the beginning-to-end design, use, and exporting results of a refinery model. First, attendees will see how easy is to create a model from scratch utilizing our Process Simulation 'drag & drop' refining reactor templates. Finally, we will showcase the product ...
Ensuring business continuity in industrial operations
Join this webinar to discover the multiple areas in your organization where Honeywell Forge can help ensure the reliability, efficiency, and safety of your refining operations. We will explore cases from asset performance management and process optimization to remote worker performance and competency solutions. The new normal is here to stay. Uncertainty is the new name of the game; however, resilience should also be a key player. How are you ensuring the reliability, ...
A layered approach to achieving plant-wide optimization goals
Join this webinar to discover the multiple areas in your organization where Honeywell Forge can help ensure the reliability, efficiency, and safety of your refining operations. We will explore cases from asset performance management and process optimization to remote worker performance and competency solutions. The new normal is here to stay. Uncertainty is the new name of the game; however, resilience should also be a key player. How are you ensuring the reliability, ...
Driving machine learning through fundamental machinery diagnostics
Join Honeywell’s APM specialist, Ben Berwick, as he discusses how Honeywell leverages Asset Performance Management technology to recognize the earliest onset of rotating machinery issues. The rapid pace of predictive analytics, artificial intelligence and digital twins for industrial assets is proving revolutionary in how asset intensive organizations benefit from the actionable information provided by asset performance management (APM) software. A key element in deriving ...
High-Performance Tail-Gas Treating
Discover the benefits of applying the latest technology in modern, low-temperature Shell Claus offgas treating (SCOT™) units. See how next-generation, low-temperature SCOT catalysts can help extend cycle life, lower energy costs and ensure regulatory compliance, even with the most difficult feeds and conditions. In this webinar you will: - Learn why modern tail-gas treating units are being designed without an inline burner, and the impact this has on inlet temperatures and, ...
Simplify crude assay importing in UniSim design by utilizing H/CAMS
Haverly H/CAMS is the industry leading assay crude management software with over 2000 assays. Honeywell's UniSim Design software links to Haverly H/CAMS via a COM interface and allows you to import proprietary assays with just a few clicks. This functionality increases engineering effectiveness, eliminates the need for manual data entry, and makes it easier to model crude storage facilities and refining processes. Presenters: Jagdish Rachh - Honeywell David Alexander - Haverly Moderator: Ken ...
Intelligently predict and manage sour water corrosion in refinery applications
One of the primary concerns in refinery operations, especially when processing sour crudes, is management and mitigation of NH4HS (Sour Water) corrosion in hydrocrackers, hydrotreaters, FCC and other unit circuits. Honeywell's Predict-SW software, a byproduct of more than 15 years of intense Joint Industry Project (JIP) research, provides an easy to use framework to quantify NH4HS corrosion as a function of key process parameters across the refinery value chain for commonly used ...
Maximising naphtha through hydrocracking: Refinery of the future
Globally the demand for petrochemicals is increasing at rates nearly 1.5 times GDP. In regions where there is a heavy investment in large-scale para-xylene capacity there is a significant demand for naphtha. However not all naphtha is suitable to produce aromatics. Heavy naphtha is required, but it is in limited supply. This is where the Honeywell UOP UnicrackingTM process becomes the key enabler to petrochemical production. By installing one, or a combination of Unicracking ...
Towards Your Low-Carbon Refinery
This On-Demand webcast from Shell Catalysts & Technologies, discusses proven technologies for capturing CO2 from both low and high-pressure streams. Are You… - Under pressure to reduce your carbon footprint? - Looking for ways to cost-effectively reduce your CO2 emissions? - Unsure which carbon-reduction solutions will be most appropriate for your facility? Any serious ambitions to reduce a facility’s carbon intensity are likely to be spearheaded ...